Lesson 1 : Build Your First App
1.2A : Make Your First Interactive UI
Task 1. Create a new “Hello Toast” project
Task 2 : Add Views to “Hello Toast” in the Layout Editor
2.1 Explore the Layout Editor
2.2 Change the view group to a LineaLayout
2.3 Add views to the Linear Layout in the Layout Editor
Task 3: Edit the “Hello Toast” layout in XML
3.1 Examine Linear Layout properties
3.2 Create string resources
3.3 Resize
3.4 Set colors and Backgorunds
3.5 Gravity and Weight
1.2 B : Using Layouts
Task 1: Change the Layout to RelativeLayout
1.1 Copy and refactor the Hello Toast app
1.2 Change LinearLayout to RelativeLayout
1.3 Rearrange views with the Design tab
1.4 Examine the XML code in the Text tab
1.5 Rearrange elements in the RelativeLayout